yeah ramadan ya3ni 3adi ma3ada elnaar yalli i7na fee! not my favorite phrase to say bas wallahi 3anjad moo 9abee3i... im always thinking of the day after tomorrow and 2012 and other pre-apocalyptic movies i am so fond of watching... *sweats*
i dunno i barely follow cuz they're talking 5aleeji so fast... *o*
but yeah thats true, nukat'hum 6arat ktheer nashfa
no unfortunately not all, mebbe just two or three, cuz at 6:15 im always asleep and im praying when its on alresala!
but that episode about those kids cleaning their school and classes and stuff i couldnt stop saying things like 'AWW THEYRE SO CUUUUTEE!! MY GOSH THEYRE ADORABLE!!'