Qualification > Commerce
Accounting HELP !!!
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Thank You aangel42 for noting that point.
can u plz help me in questions no. 6,11, 16,22,23,24,30,32,33,39 Nov.06 ppr1
Thanx in advance.
--- Quote from: moon on October 15, 2010, 10:44:29 pm ---can u plz help me in questions no. 6,11, 16,22,23,24,30,32,33,39 Nov.06 ppr1
Thanx in advance.
--- End quote ---
6) B
Capital, opening balance 23 000
Add Capital introduced 2 500
Less Drawings (1 500)
Closing Balance 24 000
11) B
Trade discount is decided before transaction takes place, and isn't included in accounting records.
Cash discount given to consumers is considered as an expense, and is recorded => Only if customers pay before a predetermined time period will they receive the cash discount, else not.
16) C
She owes 482. She buys more, she owes more (+260). She pays part of her due, she owes less (-137).
22) B
Bank Interest Credited > The Bank has paid interest to its customer. It will increase his bank balance. Bank Interest received isn't recorded in the Cash Book, until that person has received his bank statement.
Dude, those questions are pretty easy... and I have to admit, I fail to provide explanation for they're so simple. :-\
Don't mind, but, you need revision. I will advise you to revise your concepts first, and then, try those questions again. If you really cannot, then, I will help.
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