Qualification > Sciences
[IMPORTANT]20/5/2010 Biology Paper 6
--- Quote from: Baladya on May 19, 2010, 07:31:47 pm ---Can anyone explain the diff between Independent, dependent variable. And there was another word... hmm forgot ;D xD
Thanks ;D
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Independent variable is "what you change"
Dependent variable is "what you observe" (How it responds to the change made to the independent variable)
Controlled variable is "what you keep the same"
its not that clear but hope atleast u get an idea of what they mean :-[
Clear baby :D Thaaaankksss :D :)
Fast q, what is the use of the scales on the body of fisshhhhh :)??
pls guys hlp me with tht question nov 2001 3) b(iii) p6 i need the explaination i hate tht teacher ms sometimes do mistakes
--- Quote from: Baladya on May 19, 2010, 08:30:11 pm ---Clear baby :D Thaaaankksss :D :)
Fast q, what is the use of the scales on the body of fisshhhhh :)??
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camouflage i guess
--- Quote from: Baladya on May 19, 2010, 08:30:11 pm ---Clear baby :D Thaaaankksss :D :)
Fast q, what is the use of the scales on the body of fisshhhhh :)??
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to protect its body....
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