Qualification > Sciences
[IMPORTANT]20/5/2010 Biology Paper 6
Can anyone explain the diff between Independent, dependent variable. And there was another word... hmm forgot ;D xD
Thanks ;D
Has that helped?
Ya dude thanks a lot
One more thing paper 3 bio is coming up should i read the book again or should i just go to past papers directly ??
--- Quote from: Ivo on May 19, 2010, 07:31:22 pm ---Here is the answer to your question!
--- End quote ---
wow thanks ivo
--- Quote from: 33oomar on May 19, 2010, 07:33:27 pm ---
Has that helped?
Ya dude thanks a lot
One more thing paper 3 bio is coming up should i read the book again or should i just go to past papers directly ??
--- End quote ---
I would say read it fast. And for the stuff ur not sure about study it. Then just go over the past papers and look for any questions were hard for u
p3 mostly needs studying!!
but 2 b on the safe side solve a couple of past papers ;)
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