Qualification > Miscellaneous

ICT Doubt.

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to indent u must highli8 the points  go 2 format den 2 placeholder . press da txt box & ri8 2 cm internal margin from left


--- Quote from: Tanya on April 14, 2009, 07:12:54 pm ---first of all in the e-mails questions
u must make a sceen shot for uploading the file from the website required to download from.
and in the last question u must print the broweser this means u should print the page not tke a scrren shot...

secnd thng
in excel it was sooo easy
u need to use

if u hv any questions ask me pple
bt be spesific..

--- End quote ---

can u do the email part for the oct/nov2008 paper 2.
only the email part, and for prinouts, can u just send me scrreenshots?
it will only take 5mins for u.
send it to "questions_of_game@yahoo.com"
and screenshots also.

i increased ur rep by a point

HEY PPL MY PAPER 3 IS TOM and im not too sure about to use VLOOKUP or just LOOKUp which ones did you guys use?? also n my paper 2 i just took a screenie of the browser i mean thats wat they want rite? why would u print the whole page they only want to see the cc bcc etc
anyway Thanks in advance!


--- Quote from: Tanya on April 14, 2009, 08:05:46 pm ---saifalan:
i understood u, becze i was like u, bt by practising u will feel it s soo easy..
i was sooo confused abt everythng abt practical.bt i did the whole past papers that i hv n it becmes soo easy..
try practse evryday at least  2 hours u will get it really..
when is ur ICT ig exam???

--- End quote ---

Mine ?? Sis, I did my CIE Olevels a year back and got 6 As and 2 Bs. Never had ICT but had Computing. Now I am in my A2.

Hey guyz Thankyousomcuh!!
By the way Tanya, isnt it okay to take the scrn shot of Email showin the attachment,instead of preview in browser?? And Tanya plz add me or gimme your ID. THANKS  ;D


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