Author Topic: Chemistry Practicals Organic Part  (Read 835 times)

Offline superduper2009

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Chemistry Practicals Organic Part
« on: May 20, 2010, 12:36:33 am »
guyz i just wanted to ask that what are the things that we are required to know in practicals regarding organic chemistry
i.e. the different reactions etc.

Offline superduper2009

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Re: Chemistry Practicals Organic Part
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2010, 01:34:23 am »
how do u differentiate between aluminum and lead ions???
how do u differentiate between ketones and aldehydes???
how do u differentiate between the halogens???
how do u differentiate between sulfates and sulfites???
How do u test for carboxylic acids...
how do u test for alkanes and alkenes?
thanks in advance :D

Offline Darth Austrakast

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Re: Chemistry Practicals Organic Part
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2010, 04:34:24 am »
for alkanes and alkenes,
Alkanes turn brown bromine water colorless in UV light but not in dark............while alkenes decolorizes brown bromine water in both conditions.Also Alkanes are not oxidized by acidified K2Cr2O7

For Carboxylic Acid u test with litmus and the acid turns it red.Also it reacts with Na2CO3 to form CO2 that turns lime water milky

For aldehydes and ketones....well aldehydes produce a red precipitate with Fehling's solution or Benedict's solution while ketones remain unreacted

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