a convo between me and my frend arguign about a queestion hours b4 teh exam chem paper 6
†miro†(L)Jesus said (11:39):
*the tablets work by neturalsisng excess acid in stomach producing co2 + cacl + h2o
*u are provided with two tablets , f and g
*and the acid
*and commn laboratoru apparatus
†miro†(L)Jesus said (11:40):
*plan an investigation to see which is best tablet for neutralisng
†miro†(L)Jesus said (11:43):
*u there?

?? says:
*measure the same vol of hcl
*usnig burette
*in a conical flask
*in 2 conical flask*
*waut wait
*a3mil wa7da fil awil
*place il acid fil flask
*through in one f the pills
*la2 la2 la2
†miro†(L)Jesus says:
*u haev to say how much acid.

?? says:
*20 cm3
†miro†(L)Jesus says:

?? says:
*place pill in a minuture test tube
†miro†(L)Jesus says:
*ill say asnwer

?? says:
*no nno
†miro†(L)Jesus says:

?? says:
*mesure mas at start
*at end
†miro†(L)Jesus says:
*akdfhasldnfa;ldksfn adkjf a;djf adjk f;sjdf a'jdf ;asdj fa;d f;dj fda;j f;ldjf ;aldsj ds;jf as;dj a;dsj fs;adj as;dj f;asjdf ;adsj fa;jdsf a'jdsf a;sjdf a;sdj fa;sdjf a;jdf ad;sjlf a;jf 'as;f ja;lsdjf a;dljf as;ldjf a;lsjdf a;lsjf ;adljsf ;ajsf ;dlja f;aj df;ad jfa;sjf a;jdsf s;ljf a;sljf ;jd f

?? says:
*then subtract
†miro†(L)Jesus says:
*u thote i wrote adnswer
*key word: co2

?? says:
*yesss iol mass exp
*masss decrease
*ili feeha cotton
†miro†(L)Jesus says:

?? says:
*i dont have to collect and mesre using syringe
†miro†(L)Jesus says:
*or jst checm how much co2 produced
*theyr btoh valid,

?? says:
*same thing:@
†miro†(L)Jesus says:
*u lke goin complicated
*simple laboratory apparratuussssssss

?? says:
*ma il balance and cotton are much simpler than syringe
†miro†(L)Jesus says:
*cotton hatl3ha men wedanak?

?? says:
*syringe titalaha min...