Qualification > Queries

Expected Curves for exams....

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--- Quote from: nerdvictim on May 19, 2010, 08:33:30 pm ---can you please add the expected grades for paper 4 math too ? thanx :)

--- End quote ---

lol awesome ques can u pls. "expect" the grades
Adzel the Astrologer !! help us !! :P

- 15 u're still A
depends on paper 2 .. how much u expecting in p2 .. p4 weighted more

yup all guessing ..

Disclaimer : The predicted grade threshold are plainly for reference purpose only and are not released by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE).

First Language English Paper 2 (Variant 2) - The Grade Threshold for an A tends to be high as the two passages are not too particularly difficult. (- 15)

Information Communication Technology Paper 1 (Variant 3) - The Grade Threshold for an A tends to be high as the content of the paper are not that hard after all. (- 15)

Physics Paper 5 (Variant 3) - The Grade Threshold for an A tends to be low as the ray question is quite confusing. (- 12)

Chemistry Paper 5 (Variant 3) - The Grade Threshold for an A tends to be high as seeming a lot of people got the second question correct. (- 8)

~$VJ DJ$~:

--- Quote from: Adzel on May 16, 2010, 10:46:39 pm ---(-15) marks on paper 2 mathematics your still A.
(-15) marks on paper 2 English As a second language your still A.
(-10) marks on paper 6 physics your still A.
(-15) marks on paper 6 chemistry your still A.
(-10) marks on paper 2 hindi your still A.

I will update it after some calculations....

So don't give up  ;)

--- End quote ---


What is usually the max you can lose in Paper 3 English to get an A? I think I may have lost a max of 20 in Paper 2...Probably only losing 15, but let's say I lose 20. How much do I need to score in Paper 3 to get an A overall in English? Please predict, it would be helpful :D

biology p6????


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