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Chemistry P6 18/5/010

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--- Quote from: mdwael on May 17, 2010, 09:45:55 am ---then what kind of smell does ammonia have?

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yea thts pungent too i was just going to add tht:P

Oct/nov Paper 6 chemistry question 5 part D "suggest why conc.sulphuric acid should not be used to dry ammonia" and also in the E part I checked mark scheme answer its says that the mistake correction is "tubes should be evened", explanation " liquid would be transfered to gas jar" can someone explain this to  me I didnt understand what liquid theyre talking about.

ammonia is basic and sulfuric acid is acidic..they react

tubes should be evened because INLET DELIVERY TUBE is goin inside the sulfuric acid..no it shoudl be outusde so they dont react..!
so that the gs could leave thro the other deliver tube ( outlet)


--- Quote from: Dizzy on May 17, 2010, 09:09:09 am ---Hey Guys Im new here
really need help understanding this:
 KMn04 (V11) FROM PURPLE TO COLOURLESS  / K2Cr2O7 (V1) FROM ORANGE 2 GREEN / what does it mean and it turns up a lot in the paper
reply ASAP

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try askin hre because i dnt noe

Can someone give me a link to the Mark scheme of chemistry paper 6 summer 2000? I dont seem to find it at xtremepapers..


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