Author Topic: bio help  (Read 945 times)

Offline omair

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bio help
« on: May 15, 2010, 09:12:28 am »
guys provide best answer for this effect of   pH on activity of enzyme p6  m

marking scheme says1 same amount / volume / concentration of amylase;
2 same amount / volume / concentration of starch;
3 same temperature;
4 vary pH, at least 3 for a range ;5 reasonable suggested detail to obtain a different pH, ideally use of buffer;
6 regular timing for testing;
7 repetition;
8 3 named items of apparatus selected; my answer is this is it good

take 2 cm3 of 1% amylase in5 test tubes.prepare 5 different solutions of pH say 2 4 5 6 7 8 in 5 different test tubes  label them a to e  maintain using buffer solution  then take 5cm3 of starch solution in 5 different test tubes at last take 5cm3 of iodine solution i dropper pipette add one solution of amylase in one particular pH solution and add it to one starch solution and suddenly on the timmer oberve time taken to diappear the blue color repeat with all solutions of ph
repeat using different ranges of pH 
positive thinking means putting effort in order to achieve any thing

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Re: bio help
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2010, 09:55:14 am »

yup try to use solutions which are more basic (string bases) .. say 12-14 and also say "draw a graph" for better diagrammatic description .. ;) and try to mention what the mark scheme say lik

1. same amount / volume / concentration of amylase
2. same amount / volume / concentration of starch ..  tho u hav mentioned the volume jus state they should be equal
3. regular timing for testing

i can judge better if the paper is posted (actually in the paper only one of the enzyme is used as far as i know) a good answer ..

also always post in the chem/bio doubt ..,1411.0.html