Qualification > Sciences


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Can somebody solve the q 10
from both the papers.............The whole question  :) :) :) :)
I dont understand the m.s. also.......

Thanks in advance.......


post ur question here from now on ..


wait a min lemme see the q.


june 07
You should kno what is a thermistor .. a semi-conducting material which when temperature increases its resistance decreases .. resulting a fall in the p.d across R1 tht is the base emitter pd increases .. when it exceeds a certain amount the light is switched on ..


--- Quote from: ~VIN1094~ on May 13, 2010, 06:56:46 am ---june 07
You should kno what is a thermistor .. a semi-conducting material which when temperature increases its resistance decreases .. resulting a fall in the p.d across R1 tht is the base emitter pd increases .. when it exceeds a certain amount the light is switched on ..

--- End quote ---
The 2nd q

nov 06

A - resistor
B -LDR or light dependent resistor
C - Transistor
D - Lamp

b) C

c) the lamp comes on when the LDR is in dark because more of battery pd being dropped across increased resistance (of LDR) which is greater than 0.6 V and less at A .. hence the base emitter pd increases as the base current and collector current

for these type of ques u need to kno the concept of potential divider very well .. sry to reply so late my nets bad .. =|


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