Qualification > Sciences


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congrats sweetsh, ur a five star global moderator

Thank you  :D

Doing bad is not an option. I prefer books than ebooks. Buy anything u need to. Think u r the richest guy in the world and treat money like dirt. Or better yet buy a phtocopied version of that book.

from where do i get a photocopied version?
someone has to have it, then only i can photocopy.
i would have brought it.
but now it wont be of great use, because exams are where close, and i wontto be able to take the most from it as i have to prepare for others also.

doubts poping up
 :o :o :o :o

TRANSPORT in plants

1)am i right?
water in the cell moves from cell to cell
and from cell wall to cell wall
is there anything missing?

2)movement of water in leaf.
it enters leaf through xylem vessels.
now im little confused.
acutally i had a very nice diagram, which explained this movement completely, but i lost it and i am not able to recollect.


i wanted notes for germination.
in germination, about the role of auxins.
    -everything about auxins (in phototropism and geotropism .....)        (plz scan and send)
    -the clinostat experiment (the seeds which are kept in a rolling jar)
plz my textbook does not have this, and i can see such types of questions in past papers
 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


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