No way, I m not stalking u!!!!!!! that's one heck of a crazy idea ha hah haa

well after my 1st post u guys said a lot of things about me. so i went to hte forums and checked it out a bit.
thats where i found ur post about that orange, worm thing and how u screamed etc...
I am not a stalker!! ha ha haa

U haven't heard about Nepal?

Have u heard about Mt Everest??
Have u heard about Gautam Buddha??
Well, Nepal is a small, very small mountainous country surrounded by India and China.It has got about 8 of the world's all highest mountains.
U live in Egypt ha?
must be pretty hot out there..
do u live near Sahara desert or Nile river???(thats the only thing i know about Egypt and ohh how could i forget the pyramids???)
let's chat next time around....