This question is from my mock exam but i noticed some questions when i began revising i didnt know how to do it..
so please if anyone can help me understand these questions
2) This question is about two isomeric alcohols, X and Y, each with molar mass 60g mol-1
A solution of potassium dichromate(VI) in dilute sulfuric acid is added to each alcohol. Both alcohols cause the same color change of the mixture on heating.
a) A colorless liquid, B, is distilled from the mixture containing alcohol X.
The liquid B forms a red precipitate when it is boiled with Benedict's or Fehling's solution.
Give the displayed formula of liquid B, and the name of alcohol X.
Liquid B
Name of alcohol X _______________________________
b) A colorless liquid, C, is distilled from the mixture containing alcohol Y.
C does not react when it is boiled with Benedict's or Fehling's solution
Give the names of liquid C and alcohol Y
Liquid C __________________________
Alcohol Y ___________________________
That's for question 2, here's question 3.. i know it's kinda long

but i need help on this so im very sorry
3) This question is about Calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2
The solubility of calcium hydroxide in water can be found by titrating a saturated solution of calcium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid of known concentration.
a) Describe how you would make a saturated solution of calcium hydroxide suitable for use in this titration. Do not describe the subsequent titration procedure.
b) 10.0 cm3 portions of the saturated solution are placed in a conical flask and titrated with 0.0500 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid added from a burette
i) Name the apparatus used to measure the 10.0 cm3 portions
ii) Suggest a suitable indicator for this titration and state the color change you would expect to see at the end point.
c) The following results were obtained
Titration numbers | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Final burette reading/cm3 | 19.20 | 28.05 | 37.10 |
Initial burette reading/cm3 | 10.00 | 19.20 | 28.15 |
Titre/ cm 3 | 9.20 | 8.85 | 8.95 |
i) suggest why the first titre should be disregarded.
The rest i know
Thank you all in advance! <33