Qualification > Miscellaneous
IT quesrtion
major doubt !!!
how do u do a pie chart in pwoerpoint ??
steps please :D
thanks :)
first of all in the Power Point when u want to make a chart :
Go to that slide and the click the chart button from the tools up like this >>>
then you will get a Bar chart and a data filling space, right click on the Chart and then choose chart type . Choose Pie chart and click ok . Now in the space where u will put your data information for the pie ,, remove everything thats there 'cause for pie u only need the first 2 rows. ( the first for the names the second for the numbers.) like this >>>
when u do that u will get your chart, ofcourse u will have to modify it i mean make it bigger so it fills the whole white area and like that and make the text clearly visible and so on.
if you didnt follow any step your welcomed to ask =]
Great explanation Emi keep it up
regarding paper 3.
2008 oct/nov.
(24) Save the presentation. Print the presentation showing all of the presenter notes.
For this question:
Do we print a screenshot?
orWe go to File-->Print-->Print What:-->Notes Pages
I am asking this, because in marksheme, they have given one mark for being correct, and one mark for being in the correct place.
And in the markscheme, it looks like a screenshot!
we dont print a screen shot you just have to do as u said
File >> print preview >> Print what: >> choose " notes pages "
and simply click the print button , just make sure your name is in the header an footer by going to options >>> header and footer . (in the same page)
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