Hello everyone..I am new here and need some help because I have my paper tomorrow.
I would be thankful if someone takes the pains to clear the following
1. know how to arrange a set square either side of a cylinder/sphere to measure diameter
2. know how to arrange apparatus so that it is parallel or perpendicular to a bench
3. use a fiducial aid when measuring a length, eg mark the middle of the lens on the bench
4. try to use a translucent screen
5. How to give a conculsion to an experiment?
6. always check polarities before closing the switch (completing the circuit)
7. Describe a simple experiment to demonstrate refraction of sound..
8.Is it necessary to plot all the points on the graph...For example we choose a convenient scale that covers the curve on a large part of the grid but one point can not be plotted on that scale so will marks be deducted??
Please reply