Qualification > Queries

Old or new past papers?

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--- Quote from: soualhi1 on May 04, 2010, 02:41:40 pm ---Thanks everyone. TheRock especially.

Just one thing: I have seen past papers, and they don't repeat much questions, so I disagree with doing very old past papers. Thanks anyway!!

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I'm not doing Biology but here's a heads up.

There's been a question on tooth decay in May/June 2002 and 2006 (not in other years or sessions), and people seem to miss that topic while revising because "it never comes up". Anyone spot the pattern?

@ the rock:...im doing biology...and...wow....ya i get the pattern...but how did u find that...can u help me more..by observing for more important chapters??....
@ every1: and tell me...which tests are very important..if u know(feel like).....for paper six biology ....according to pastpapers..pattern!!...Thanks ppl!!


--- Quote from: hamz on May 14, 2010, 09:02:38 pm ---@ the rock:...im doing biology...and...wow....ya i get the pattern...but how did u find that...can u help me more..by observing for more important chapters??....
@ every1: and tell me...which tests are very important..if u know(feel like).....for paper six biology ....according to pastpapers..pattern!!...Thanks ppl!!

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Not only for bio, for every subjects. Since the syllabus has changed, I'd recommend you to do from 2006 till recently. ;)


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