Qualification > Reference Material
computer project for igcse
people i am doing my computer project on airport management system so can you give me your own suggestions about what to mention and if possible if you have resources for it please upload or send on odelavego@yahoo.com
please give me your tips about how to start
and i also need computer studies topic based questions urgently
:o :D ;D
well we have the highest computer studies achiever in Saudi Arabia in the forums .. AF .. so hopefully he'll give you some tips on revision ..
i did the project last year .. doing the AS project now and its kinda similar.
First identify a problem in the airport management system, the solution must be created using access (thats what i used) whether its computerizing the staff database, or recording incomming flights or flight booking system etc.
It's frankly easy to do really, just create the database, preform some forms, queries and reports. Design a front end using Macros, take screen shots, test your system, and your done!! ;)
If you need any more help dont hesitate to ask :)
Amr Fouad:
Hey Omar!
Here's the database i made..It was a library system..I know ur doing a different topic, but um sure it will help! :D And i guess Q80's tips were more than enogh :)
@Q80: Thanks alot :D
Ghost Of Highbury:
hey..i'd done Computer Studies to, and got an A*...Plz find some attached notes/guides on Coursework and CS Concepts.. :) :)
Ghost Of Highbury:
One more..
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