Qualification > Queries

about that deleted topic

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--- Quote from: Shoshou..Mony on May 07, 2010, 08:08:41 pm ---LOL.

Maybe he was talking about cheaters?

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ooooops!!! sory...i meant the cheaters :)
<nuthin serious>

Yes, I thought so.

Admins like Astar and EPG are the ones who made this whole forum available and other websites like freeexampapers, so I don't believe anyone would be insulting the admins.

It is alright. =]

By the way u meant the admins but u cnt say it cuz here wat they will do if u said that u meant it

1-ban u which makes u wake up in the morning getting page cnt load or getting big message that says u r banned muhaha and when u go to any proxy server u find studentforums working normally no page cnt load and u find ur name in black and guest written under it
2-get ur ip address hack it using prorat
3-then they find ur real address
4-go to the place where they keep records of each person in ur city and get all details about u like wat type of pampers u were using and wat ur grand grand grand grand grand grand father used to eat in the morning and his friends numbers
5-at results day u find all ur results A*s
6-next day they put bombs in ur school destroy all ur records at ur school then u will have to repeat the whole school process from kg 1 kg 2 kg 3 kg 4 till high school


loool 7ood :D
7araam thts too much.....


--- Quote from: BlackBunny103 on April 18, 2010, 01:32:49 pm ---Just a quick question, I'm just wondering how could you have the exam script when you have not even sat the exam?

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Sometimes for some exams you have something called "Pre-release Material", that's when the exam Board gives you a part of the exam in which you study from, and the exam would be based on that "case-study", the questions would be asked based on that, however it's not easy, nor does it give away any answers, it just gives the student an idea of what the exam's going to be on.  :)

You would usually get a 52 mark question or something when the "Pre-release material" is included.


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