Author Topic: Coming to Uni life  (Read 1677 times)

Offline pastyear

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Coming to Uni life
« on: May 04, 2010, 02:55:09 pm »
I am going to apply Uni!!!
When i look at the boucher i saw all the people were study in a big hall which was able to accomadate around 5000 people. I have not study in that big place in my life. The uni's main campes is at Australia. In the first year everyone has to study in local then you can tansfer to Ausrralia either in second or final year or you want to complete it in local.   I was scare i am not able to make friends as friends may plan to study in Australia in year 2 or 3. I am also not sure how dedicate the lecturer in local as i am not plan to go to Australia.

Bty, i also have to consider whether to continue to study my professional course or go to work to gain some work experiences then study the course after my degree? If i go out to work then study the course this means i will spend half of my life in study!!

How ??? Can someone solve my anxiety?

Offline macron18

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Re: Coming to Uni life
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2010, 02:07:24 pm »
Learning is an on going process and it goes on throughout your life. You should choose to work and continue your studies side by side with online degree programs which allow you to earn degree at your own pace and flexibility. With these online programs you can also work fulltime and pursue degree side by side.

Offline pastyear

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Re: Coming to Uni life
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2010, 02:17:12 pm »
Thanks macron18 4 your reply.
However, in my country we do not have online course offer by local or private uni.
If i choose to work after my degree will i be late to study my professional course or i mean it  will be less  opportunity 4 me to have a high prospect or high position in d company as i am not competive enough.

By the way, what do you plan to study in uni?