Author Topic: Are beauty contests harmful?  (Read 6376 times)

Offline Rashro0osh

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Re: Are beauty contests harmful?
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2010, 04:56:00 pm »
the real beauty is that of the soul. i dont think these winners dont hv this beauty. okkay its nice to feel beautiful but nt to reach the fact of showing off. i beileve these contests set a bad example and they just show girls "oh look we hv wt u dont hv, the body, the looks, the smile" while it might just bee alll fake.
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Re: Are beauty contests harmful?
« Reply #31 on: May 09, 2010, 05:05:47 pm »
the real beauty is that of the soul. i dont think these winners dont hv this beauty. okkay its nice to feel beautiful but nt to reach the fact of showing off. i beileve these contests set a bad example and they just show girls "oh look we hv wt u dont hv, the body, the looks, the smile" while it might just bee alll fake.

99% it is fake. I hate the fact that people fell alright for women to show themselves on Tv like they are some apecimen to be admired. You have a good figure, okay keep it to yourself, and to whoever you'll end up with! Just don't show it to the whole world with the attitude of "Look at me, gee ain't I pretty or what?". Where is the confidence in such a statement put so openely?
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Re: Are beauty contests harmful?
« Reply #32 on: May 09, 2010, 05:13:19 pm »
i once had gone to a place with one of my friend and there were some old grandpa's talking that these models they look so terrible..these shows only work because they expose their figures if they come and smile in front of everyone no one would take them as models(there are exception).
these are the words what they were talking about i mean in one way they are definitely correct.
What do you guys think..

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Re: Are beauty contests harmful?
« Reply #33 on: May 09, 2010, 05:58:57 pm »
the real beauty is that of the soul. i dont think these winners dont hv this beauty. okkay its nice to feel beautiful but nt to reach the fact of showing off. i beileve these contests set a bad example and they just show girls "oh look we hv wt u dont hv, the body, the looks, the smile" while it might just bee alll fake.

99% it is fake. I hate the fact that people fell alright for women to show themselves on Tv like they are some apecimen to be admired. You have a good figure, okay keep it to yourself, and to whoever you'll end up with! Just don't show it to the whole world with the attitude of "Look at me, gee ain't I pretty or what?". Where is the confidence in such a statement put so openely?

Lah, beauty contests are not as bad as you think. It involves big money. The winners and those who get to model in ads and stuffs get paid highly. Ads of beauty products are highly dependent on beauty models and stars.

Showing off may be bad if done without any benefit, but its not when its for the mutual benefit of all of us.

Yes, increasing number of girls are now becoming worried for their looks. But its helping businesses that sell beauty products to grow.

Overall, its not so harmful at all. Yes, it has some bad effects - like occasionally a girl becomes excessively worried about their looks and take unwise actions. But these are occasional and not to be taken into account.

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Re: Are beauty contests harmful?
« Reply #34 on: May 23, 2010, 06:24:36 pm »
but wht bout those who loose they obviously get hurt much
they may be pretty nd who knows biased judges r everywhere
then no 1 has the rite 2 judge if ur pretty or not
u do no 1 else
if you wanna get somewhere in life do something about it dont just leave it up to luck!!!!!!!