Qualification > Sciences


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--- Quote from: Baladya on May 27, 2010, 09:53:37 am ---Hey can anyone plz explain whats ionizing  particles, which ones are, and how is it used :) Thanks ;)

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In radioactivity, the three types of radiation, alpha particles, beta particles and gamma particles have different ionising powers.
alpha particles have a very high ionising power. i.e It forms an ion, by gain of electrons very quick. In only very less air distance is it readily ionised and stablized.
Gamma have a very low ionising power, however have a high penetration power and so are used to detect clogs or blockages in circulation around the body. As they can penetrate across the skin, to a detector, where they accumulate i.e where the count is largest and is not seeming to move, it proves the vessels there are blocked.

thanks :D

can someone explain june 09 last part of last question?


--- Quote from: //~|guMnam|~\\ on May 27, 2010, 08:50:51 am ---it was baddd like hell....urghhhh

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--- Quote from: Dana on May 27, 2010, 09:18:16 am ---To calculate the current you need either power/ voltage and/or resistance. They might've given you that information previously. If you know the power and the voltage is given (12) then use the power formula. If they gave you the resistance then use the second formula
P=IV or V=IR

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lol...just tricking u...i got confused with this question...i look at the ms...it says,question deleted... 8) 8)

they made a mistake...silly CIE...


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