AC - The direction of current periodically reverses , positive to negative, negative to positive, positive to negative...and so on
DC - is the unidirectional flow of electric charge
hahaha you see that's the problem
. What exactly do you mean by direction??? A current in a wire will flow through the wire right?? It won't exactly change direction and move west or east?? LOL
I think this is it:
AC: alternating current (switches from positive to negative terminal and back to postivie)
DC: direct current (only flows from postivve to negative)
Also, please can someone answer my last post, thanks!
So what i can get from your answer is that say 1 terminal is positive then it becomes negative then again positive and so on... But there's just one problem. Won't it just move backwards and forwards (the current)?? Like one step ahead then 1 step back?? LOL
(Please really sorry to disturb all of you guys but I've never understood this (from Grade 6) and I believe if I don't clear this doubt now, it'll haunt me for the rest of my life)...