Author Topic: Have You Ever...?  (Read 306666 times)


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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4575 on: July 23, 2010, 04:53:38 am »
I don't like video games much, but it happened before few years ago when I was into them.!

Am I ok? Which post was that? =O I am fine alhamdolilah. Thanks for worrying, you are sweet.  ::) ::) :P

Ever danced in public ?

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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4576 on: July 23, 2010, 05:01:57 am »
i am still into em' :P :P

YESSSSSSSSSS ! yuh wrote in some thread 'tragedy' so i was like what =| yer sweeter ;) :P

YESSSSSSSSSS ! i did the fobbish dance in public :P and ppl went like WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT ? :o
i am sucha disgrace to dance :P
but i danced with this classmate of mine ! it was cute, because i was the shy one ! :P By the way, it was a dare :P

ever cursed in public?  :P :D
<3 La Ilaha Illa-Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah. <3


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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4577 on: July 23, 2010, 05:08:16 am »
When the feeling's gone and you can't go on
It's tragedy
When the morning cries and you don't know why
It's hard to bear
With no-one to love you you're
goin' nowhere
When you lose control and you got no soul
It's tragedy
When the morning cries and you don't know why
It's hard to bear
With no-one beside you you're
goin' nowhere
When the feeling's gone and you can't go on

It is the song I am listening to. =]

Thank you.=]

I danced in public a lot. I am shy but it was a school end of year party and I just had to do it. ::)

So you have a video while u were dancing?  :P

Cursed..uh no.

Ever hated kids ?

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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4578 on: July 23, 2010, 05:11:53 am »
OOOOOOH :P yuh shud've mentioned it :P

YESSSSSSSS ! i've got videos of me dancing in my grads party..and trust me, ppl are not sps to watch it :P
what i actually did was..i went on the stage. took off my coat. unbuttoned my collar and sleeves :P :P :P
and started dancing RANDOMLY :P ALL the ppl used to go like DUUUDE ! COME BACK :P :P :P

i love kids ! and the kids love me ! i guess my wifeyy would be all happy :P IA :D

ever made a kid cry ? :P
<3 La Ilaha Illa-Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah. <3


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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4579 on: July 23, 2010, 05:16:45 am »
oh la la. Took of your coat and started dancing. I bet this looked cool.

I dance all types of dances. Ballet also. I had to stop after I wore the hijab though, I only dance at home or girls only

Made a kid cry..hmm like my bro when he was a kid? :P yes.

I adore kids/babies. I go crazy when I see them and they love me back <3

Ever cussed ?

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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4580 on: July 23, 2010, 05:24:35 am »
No, it was more like stripping. and if yuh find strippin cool, then it's all cool :D :P :P

WOW ! really ? i need to learn ! how did yuh learn ? -_- watched those movies and tv shows? :P

LOL ! girls are rude, ofcourse ! girls make everyone cry :P :P

yea yea, yuh just said cux i said i love kids :P

YESSSSSSSS ! used to ! was immature then  :-[ :-[

but m pretty mature now..NOT :P  O0 but i don't cuss anymore :D

ever watched a movie/tv show just because the guy was too good-looking?  ::) ::) :P

<3 La Ilaha Illa-Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah. <3


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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4581 on: July 23, 2010, 05:30:08 am »
ah-uh. Very cool.

I have been dancing since I was young, so I know. Practiced a lot all types. And you want to learn ballet? *e7em* I feel that it is more for girls. :P

hahahahaha, up shut. :P I love kids! I mentioned it everywhere in the forum, before even knowing you did. I mean look at my posts and your posts. :P

Cussing is bad.

Uh Nopes, don't give a damn about looks. But if I like the actor's acting then I would enjoy watching his/her other movies.

Ever flirted ? (I bet you did.)

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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4582 on: July 23, 2010, 05:37:28 am »
OKKAY ! there's been a change in my perception about yuh ! hahaha :P

NOOOOOO ! i wanna learn the other dance :P are yuh into hip hop ?

LOL ! WHAT ? what do yuh mean by that, woman? :P just because yer 90 yrs old and had an exp of 89 yrs at sf dusn mean i cant beat yuh :P :P :P

i know, it is ! :(

i don't flirt ! srsly ! i just joke a lot ! i am a very innocent ::) and sweet ::) kid :(
ALL yuh ppl take me wrong :P :P
this is more like the fun side of me; the other side is too dark and deep :P

ever played a prank and made someone cry? :P
<3 La Ilaha Illa-Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah. <3


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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4583 on: July 23, 2010, 05:43:47 am »
hahahahaha. People say I am complicated at times. :P

Yeah, hip-hop. I don't listen to lots of hip-hop songs though but yeah I know how.

LOOOOL. I will be waiting till you beat me then. If you beat me, I will make you a moderator. :P

hahahahahahahaha @ your other side! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. You are scaring me now. Deep and dark, loooooool.

Yes! The only time I played a prank in my WHOLE ENTIRE LIVE! I MADE THAT PERSON CRY. Omg. =|

Ever dyed your hair ?

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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4584 on: July 23, 2010, 05:50:40 am »
everythin is complicated in this world :P some ppl are just too smart to find solutions :P

so yuh can dance? :o wow, pretty cool :D

but then yuh'll hav to stop postin fer a day or two :P :P jk, yer fit fer the job ! i may just not show up one day and all of yuh will screw me up :P

LOL..honestly..m sometymes addressed as the brother of Lord Voldemort. May his soul rest in peace ! LOL  :P
7 bits of souls * :P

OMG..what did yuh actually do ? :P

LOL..not really..but some of the dye was left when my mom was dying her hair and so she applied the leftover on my head ! ::) i took shower just after she laid that dye on my hair :P

ever fell fer a person online ? ::) ;) :P
<3 La Ilaha Illa-Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah. <3


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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4585 on: July 23, 2010, 05:57:39 am »
LOL. I wasn't posting for like 2-3 days ago because I was hanging out with my friends in Aziz Mall, having breakfast in IKEA, going to their place etc etc. You missed the chance of posting a lot then. :P friend is in love with my neighbor. He was in love with me not her because I was his neighbor and our parents knew each other so we used to hang out a lot together. Then I actually went to my friend one day with my other friends and told her that the guy loves her and that he left a message for her.

She is so shocked...but after she knows the truth after like 10 mins of us jk.. SHE STARTS CRYING. And I was like =O :S =O =O I kept calming her down because she was crying in a loud voice which made all the school watch. I was in grade 8. =[

Yes...fell for a person online...

Ever considered what time you will be sleeping at? :P

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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4586 on: July 23, 2010, 06:07:54 am »
aww..yuh shud have informed me earlier on :P i'd get all dressed up when i get a chance next :P hahaha :P

LOL ! i told yuh, yer born evil ! hahaha :P
OMG..poor girl :(
and she fell in love with her when she was in 8th? LOL ! she knew what 'love' is ? :P

wow..yer so awesome..everbody has fallen with an online friend ! hahaha :P

YESSSSSSSS ! maybe 9 or 10..or maybe 11..or 12 :P  wbu ? :P

set the house on fire? hahaha :P
<3 La Ilaha Illa-Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah. <3


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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4587 on: July 23, 2010, 06:13:36 am »
Dressed up for posting in SF. :P

8th grade, yes. We were just

Online have you fallen in love with an online friend? from SF? Pakistani thread? :P

12, you have to pray Jummah, it is friday today. :P

idk when will I sleep. =| Not feelings sleepy at all.=[

House on fire...yes..once before...when I was cooking something and I forgot it. Not much damage happened though..loads of smoke only. :P

Ever cooked ?

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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4588 on: July 23, 2010, 06:20:53 am »
Posts: 13636 yer posts ! weird number, innit? :P

yes, doesnt it seem cool? :P

and now yer all grown up, i sps?  ::) ::) :P
wen i was in 8th, i thot i was grown up and now i think there's still enough tyme fer me to grow up :P

NOOOOOOOOOOO!  i just joined sf ! and azka is my amazing sisso ! always there fer me !  ::) ::)

OH YESSSSSS ! thanks fer remindin me, i never knew it was friday ::) :P :P

*high five* i feel as if i just woke up like 2 secs ago :P :P

oooooo :P yer lucky :P

YESSSSSSSS ! i am like my mom's assistant number 1 out of my sibs :P
i've always been into cooking but i just cant memorize the recipes ! but if yuh guide in anybody just keeps tellin me what to do..i make great food, MsA. i'd definitely get great offers from the 5 star rests. :P

felt like slapping me? :P
<3 La Ilaha Illa-Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah. <3


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Re: Have You Ever...?
« Reply #4589 on: July 23, 2010, 06:26:23 am »
I had a number before of '1111'. That was so cool.

I think I am all grown up now. Yes. I can handle and take responsibility so well. :D

Who is azka? O.O you cook. This is awesome! I cook a lot, every day actually. Hope you be a great chief one day.

Slap you? Not at all. I don't want to start saying compliments because then you will think highly of yourself. =]

jk :P you are a great person and an awesome friend. =]

Ever felt like slapping me? :p