Sad thing svkm doesn't have a levels. Probably I'm joining Mithibai. But still confused what to do. Thought I'd go abroad so joined ig, now I'm not so interested. Probably will for my masters. I'll do engineering from India nad then prolly for MBA I might go abroad, so a levels or ib wont help me much for doing so. Just a few questions.. What is the scope after doing A levels? I mean what are you gonna do? What are the most likely streams after a levels? Also what do you think I should do? its ok if you reply after you exams.. no hurry
Sorry I went off to sleep
I'll be giving all possible entrance exams
CET, AI-EEE, IIT-JEE, SATs,TOEFL ....In short, I'll just be going through hell
I want to do genetic engineering...or bionics
If nothing, then I might just get into medicine