Qualification > Miscellaneous
All ICT doubts here!
--- Quote from: zioziozio on May 13, 2010, 06:51:18 pm ---
Debit card is a card that you use to retrieve an amount of money from your bank account .. the difference between it and the credit card , is that you take money from the company using the credit card , and giving it back to the company by the end of each month .. and if you don't there will be a fixed intrest rate for late payments.
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lol i went to ask my dad abt it n u replyd
By the way Thanks a lot :) ;) :D
--- Quote from: 6394 on May 13, 2010, 06:58:46 pm ---lol i went to ask my dad abt it n u replyd
By the way Thanks a lot :) ;) :D
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hehe ur welcome :D
--- Quote from: J.Darren on May 13, 2010, 06:50:09 pm ---http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/moneytaxandbenefits/managingmoney/bankaccountsandbankingproducts/dg_10035158
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quite hlpful Thanks a lot
if the question is 8 marks...usually the last question about advantages and disavantages....
if i answered with 10 or 12 points??will they reject it?
like 5 disadvantages and 5 advantages....
--- Quote from: J.Darren on May 13, 2010, 06:55:41 pm ---They are the same.
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i dnt thnk dey are same:
serial: it is where items are read 1 at a timefrom the physical start of the file in the order which dey r stored .
sequential: it is where items are read 1 at a tym from the logical start of file in key value orders.
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