Ok everybody. Lets not forget the topic.
Should men and women have equal rights? Not 'is men/women superior to the other?'
Well, overlooking the fact that men are superior to women

no women and men should not have equal rights
Men and Women are NOT the same, i dont care if we're both homo sapiens, that doesnt mean we're exactly the same thing
Men are more physical and are thus more powerful, theres a reason why Olympic competitions are classified by gender (except horse riding, since its the horse and not the jockey who does the actual work).
Women are better listeners, this is a FACT, i would love to see someone prove me wrong
Women are more emotional and sentimental, more sympathetic and caring (in general), guys are not so selfless
Men are more hardworking and persistent, when a man falls into the ground he is almost always expected to get up, dust himself off, and keep walking, while women always get supported by men.
In relationships, how often do you see the girl asking the guy out? or buy him dinner? or propose?
Equality is just simply not applicable, both genders are entitled to certain rights that the other gender shouldnt have