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i want help in igcse maths 0580 function graph help
please can any one explain me all important concepts in function graph igcse
Firs solve the function for range of values of x
suppose f(x)=3x+10
then take the range from -3<=x<=3
now u get the values as:-
x-- -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
f(x)- 1 4 7 10 13 16 19
now make a Cartesian plane and plot the graph x against f(x)
keep the values of x on x-axis and those of f(x) on y-axis
also keep in mind the slope of the line or gradient in 3 and y intercept that is the point where line intercepts y-axis in 10 thus the equation is in the form of y=mx+c where m=3(gradient) and c=10(y-intercept) in the above equation
hope u get it ;)
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