--> The Government has the right to demand birth control

Author Topic: The Government has the right to demand birth control  (Read 10731 times)


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The Government has the right to demand birth control
« on: January 04, 2010, 12:08:54 pm »
We are all aware how the human population has exponentially increased over the years. And although technology helps with food production, medicines and the like, we cannot maintain a healthy population. Poverty is on the rise...With too many ppl to feed, I believe the government has every right to interfere and demand birth control. Birth control(please do not misinterpret, isn't an equivalent to abortion)

What are your views?

P.S-This debate will not have any religious arguments

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: The Government has the right to demand birth control
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2010, 04:09:54 pm »
Poverty is not on the rise...

It is on the verge of falling, and is falling exponentially, as far as I can see in Bangladesh.

Day by day, we and everybody else is getting richer. We are not experiencing a fall in standard of living or reduction in our real income or whatsoever. Lets face it, we are getting more affluent day by day.

The govt. cannot force us to use pills, IUDs, diaphragm and others. It's the personal preference of somebody, whether h/she wants to use birth control methods or not (I know that many teenage girls take pills, even if it is not necessary for them!)

Of course the govt has the right, but it is of no use. We don't need no birth controls because we are getting richer day by day. And we will be able to feed our kids, no problem with that. But the thing is entirely upon personal preference, whether h/she wants to use or not.



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Re: The Government has the right to demand birth control
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2010, 04:38:25 pm »
let's face the reality
A small fraction of the world is what you see. How many kids in Bangladesh can afford to study in an international school like yours?
The is still a vast economic chasm between the rich and poor. Just because the country as a whole shows a higher GDP per capita, more growth, a better Balance of payments does not mean it is in a better state in real(practical economics)...Just because something looks good on the outside doesn't mean the core is clean....

Your family may be able to fend for 4 kids but there r others who cannot.....And is a responsible global citizen, it is our duty to take initiatives....but when people stick to their norms, a government has to make new norms to deal with it....Convincing people is of no use, restrictions have to be made....

I am a single child :)
In my school too, we have CAS compulsory for A levels, wherein we teach rag-pickers and beggars from the street about how to go about earning, how to stay clean and hygienic and not fall ill and how to plan a family....since their family literally multiplies and they cover the entire lane.....
When we get outta home and see the entire situation, we pity it, but there is no use of the pity, unless it invokes u to take an action
Hence, curbing population growth is a must

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Re: The Government has the right to demand birth control
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2010, 04:54:17 pm »
Oh, dear, I have two brothers, and no sisters!

I wish I had one!

By the way, what is CAS? ???
« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 04:57:17 pm by $tyli$h Executive »


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Re: The Government has the right to demand birth control
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2010, 05:01:53 pm »
It's a program Creativity Action Service....this is compulsory for all students in our school, regardless of whether you are ib or A levels

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Re: The Government has the right to demand birth control
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2010, 05:14:52 pm »
OK nid, I'm not clear about one thing: How can the government force people to use birth control techniques?


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Re: The Government has the right to demand birth control
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2010, 05:22:32 pm »
OK nid, I'm not clear about one thing: How can the government force people to use birth control techniques?

It's a law..a policy limiting the no.of children a family can have...with exceptions ofc or maybe minority families or parents without any siblings themsleves....
The family has to make sure it abides by the norms....I am against infanticide and abortions....so in case a family has failed the norms, it pays for it...
Now the family has to make sure not to exceed the limit...

And a municipality hospital will sell condoms(the simplest and most of the times effective means of birth control)...And it is cheap

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Re: The Government has the right to demand birth control
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2010, 05:39:40 pm »
Well... good idea.

But educating these people is more important and should be done before implementing this. Otherwise if this is implemented, the govt. will lose votes for sure. Since the majority of the population of some countries are below the poverty line, govt. will not be willing to implement this since they will lord elections.

And I don't think condom is the simplest method of birth control (I've heard that it tears, ROTFL!!!). I would never ever have the courage to go to a dispensary and ask straight out for a condom! What a shame it must be!  Its the pill which some girls and all married women take. ;)

« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 08:39:25 pm by $tyli$h Executive »


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Re: The Government has the right to demand birth control
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2010, 01:55:30 am »
Borakk, the contraceptive pills have second effects! Condoms are better, and if you can't enter a pharmacy and ask for it directly, buy it in a super or hyper market.  :P

P.S. Was a short comment, okay, am out.  :-X ;D

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: The Government has the right to demand birth control
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2010, 09:57:09 am »

Stop making fun of me!

I am out of this dirty debate.

This is my last post in this topic.

No offence to anybody.


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Re: The Government has the right to demand birth control
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2010, 10:07:12 am »
Hehe, is that why my reply was "interesting" and "witty"?  :P

Women do not like taking drugs either.  ;) :P

Hehe, thank you.... :)

But am sorry, not now, I have lots to do... Maybe later, when I'll be free.  ;)

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: The Government has the right to demand birth control
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2010, 10:26:00 am »
I dont know what are you talking about!


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Re: The Government has the right to demand birth control
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2010, 10:45:47 am »
I dont know what are you talking about!

No worries :)!

See you...

Else, they'll kick me from here, and place me in the AEDA thread.  ;) ;D


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Re: The Government has the right to demand birth control
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2010, 01:28:51 pm »
What's so dirty about the debate?


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Re: The Government has the right to demand birth control
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2010, 01:36:51 pm »
What's so dirty about the debate?

What is dirty??  :o


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