let's face the reality
A small fraction of the world is what you see. How many kids in Bangladesh can afford to study in an international school like yours?
The is still a vast economic chasm between the rich and poor. Just because the country as a whole shows a higher GDP per capita, more growth, a better Balance of payments does not mean it is in a better state in real(practical economics)...Just because something looks good on the outside doesn't mean the core is clean....
Your family may be able to fend for 4 kids but there r others who cannot.....And is a responsible global citizen, it is our duty to take initiatives....but when people stick to their norms, a government has to make new norms to deal with it....Convincing people is of no use, restrictions have to be made....
I am a single child

In my school too, we have CAS compulsory for A levels, wherein we teach rag-pickers and beggars from the street about how to go about earning, how to stay clean and hygienic and not fall ill and how to plan a family....since their family literally multiplies and they cover the entire lane.....
When we get outta home and see the entire situation, we pity it, but there is no use of the pity, unless it invokes u to take an action
Hence, curbing population growth is a must