FA means fundamental analysis. On a basic level it involves judging a company's fundamentals like Earning per share, price earning ratio, gearing ratio, dividend history, net asset value/share and many more to see if the company is in a fundamentally strong position. If it is and the stock is not overpriced, it is wise to invest in that stock.
TA is technical analysis. It does not take into account any of the fundamental data. Instead analysis of intrinsic factors like price, volume, RSI, MFI, moving averages and thousands of other techniques are used to determine if a stock is in a buyable position. You may even have your own formula!
Combination of both is the best. Mid term is almost always better than short term investments.
The safest investment is probably property like nid404 said.
Fixed deposits are boring! Whats the reason to get into business if I know beforehand that I will get 8% per year (not more and not less!)? Only for retired people!
Rich dad poor dad is nice too!