Qualification > Queries

Grading Query

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okay i'm lost here..
as trinion said at the start of the post, could ppl NOT say dat something IS true..
Personally, i'd like to hear this from either a member of the Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate or something as close
so they know EXACTLY what theyre talking about..  :P :P

Agreed =)
Oh, and how did you do in your exams?
I have my chemistry on Monday and Bio on Tuesday =)
You from NZ too eh? NZ qualified for Fifa =D


--- Quote from: Trinion on November 14, 2009, 07:04:18 pm ---Agreed =)
Oh, and how did you do in your exams?
I have my chemistry on Monday and Bio on Tuesday =)
You from NZ too eh? NZ qualified for Fifa =D

--- End quote ---

I have chemistry on monday but bio on monday? do you take AS? :P
and I KNOW!! I didnt know NZ was dat good.. semi finals.. wow
(it is u-17 rite? :P)


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