Qualification > Queries
Grading Query
okay i'm lost here..
as trinion said at the start of the post, could ppl NOT say dat something IS true..
Personally, i'd like to hear this from either a member of the Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate or something as close
so they know EXACTLY what theyre talking about.. :P :P
Agreed =)
Oh, and how did you do in your exams?
I have my chemistry on Monday and Bio on Tuesday =)
You from NZ too eh? NZ qualified for Fifa =D
--- Quote from: Trinion on November 14, 2009, 07:04:18 pm ---Agreed =)
Oh, and how did you do in your exams?
I have my chemistry on Monday and Bio on Tuesday =)
You from NZ too eh? NZ qualified for Fifa =D
--- End quote ---
I have chemistry on monday but bio on monday? do you take AS? :P
and I KNOW!! I didnt know NZ was dat good.. semi finals.. wow
(it is u-17 rite? :P)
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