Qualification > Queries


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wow, that's interesting information!

my classmates, who wrote the exam last year had to go to school to find out what grades they got

also, one girl was the No 2 in my country, it left me wondering, who to you get to know your rank in the country/world, if you were not a topper (the No 1)

also, will the grading system - such as the percentage of the top students who will get an A* come out in CIE's website at the same time?

o crap i meant 'did your centre or the cie website' crap..well u answered my q anyway..thanks

no the center did not!!
we can get it from cie ka website only!!


--- Quote from: ~~~~shreycool~~~~ on November 10, 2009, 10:44:48 am ---my friend told me!!
he said it is there no the site!!
dont know where!!

--- End quote ---

shrey type in http://myresults.cie.org.uk
it's the site
just need ur id nd password

id and apssword not yet given!!


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