Qualification > Sciences
chemistry doubt~
Ghost Of Highbury:
N2 + 3H2 --> 2NH3 /_\H = –92 kJ/mol
(a) On the same axes draw energy profile diagrams to show both the catalysed and the
uncatalysed reaction. Label the diagram to show
• the catalysed and uncatalysed reactions,
• the reactants and products,
• the enthalpy change for the reaction.
what are energy profile diagrams??
can anyone plz draw and attach it here. THANKS A LOT!
dude...energy profile diagram is when u show the energies of the reactants and their products once thay have reacted....You will have an idea of whit it look like from the diagram below....u must have doen it in class...
now all u gotta do to this diagram is...
just replace "REACTANTS" from the diagram with "N2 + 3H2"
and "PRODUCTS" with "2NH3"
the label for the catalysed and uncatalysed reactions are already there...
and i dont think u need to know the exact enthalpy change for these reactions at IG'z
tell me if u still need an EXACT diagram for this...
Ghost Of Highbury:
SOMETHING LIKE THIS? if so, where do i label the catalysed and uncatylsed reactions? do i have to make another set?
sorry dude...i forgot to attach the file...nd not that way...cuz u show reactants having more energy tan products at the start...which isn't true...they have more energy but it first increases till the activation energy nd then decreases to the energy of products...see this nd tell me if u got it now...
u have to show that rise in energy cuz otherwise u cannot differentiate btwn a catalysed reaction and uncatalysed reaction
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