Qualification > Sciences

HELP Physics ppr 3 Jun. 09

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--- Quote from: A@di on November 05, 2009, 05:52:29 pm ---9bi - A

bii - attached

--- End quote ---

where is the conventional current on the drawing?? here is the markscheme answer but I didn't understand it..

 (ii) For answers A and B only in (i), not C or D:
Route to resistor: correct arrow on one downwards diode and
nothing wrong on this route B1
Route from resistor: correct arrow on one downwards diode and
nothing wrong on this route

Ghost Of Highbury:
check the diagram again. The road is marked in red.

and for the conventional current..i have made colored lines for ur better understanding.check again

but how can we draw the conventional current as specified in the mark scheme.. ???

Ghost Of Highbury:

--- Quote from: moon on November 05, 2009, 06:25:45 pm ---but how can we draw the conventional current as specified in the mark scheme.. ???

--- End quote ---

the markscheme for this question is horrible..it doesnt specify anything...it just says arrow on one downwards diode, which i have shown, rest u just continue the path as shown in my diagram.

it says "nothing wrong on this route" which states clearly that they are not mentioning any correct answer for this. It depends on the examiner. I suppose my diagram is correct.

Did u understand the rest of the quetions?

can some1 help me in additional math....2002 November...paper 01....question 5.....i dont want de mark scheme answer...i want de process....


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