Qualification > Sciences

physics paper 6 doubt....

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Ghost Of Highbury:

--- Quote from: ~~~~shreycool~~~~ on November 04, 2009, 04:58:50 pm ---i guess not they asking abt wires rite???

so how come boxes!??

--- End quote ---

i find this ambiguous.

the q says "Use the standard symbol
for a resistance to represent each of these wires"

it doesnt say standard symbol of resistor!...it says resistance

so shud it be the box/or wire or other standard symbol

pretty ambiguous

i remember this q was asked in our class test!!
i drew boxs sir had killed me for that thing!!!

i dunno shrey, but my teacher's answer was the rectange boxes .. mm very ambiguous indeed :P

i guess this type of q doesnt come!!
tooo ambiguous!!

By the way where is astar!!
he can tell something abt it!!!


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