Qualification > Queries
Biology paper 3 tommorow. Gah,
Does anyone know any hot topics which is going to come up in the exam? Or a list of all the major topics coming up. somone posted one for eco which was very helpful. If you can reply here or email me at spongy1004@hotmail.com for bio paper discussions
same here .... surya1993@gmail.com
Thanks a lot!! ;D ;D
i gues this depends on 2009 m/j papers!!
the topics there in it wont come that frequently bt the rest would come!!
like in chem i guess p6 they did not ask ne thing abt reactivity series!!!
The main things acc. to me which are definitely gonna come are:
Reproduction - perhaps a diagram for the reproductive system and its labelling
Transpiration and other things related to it
Inheritance - perhaps a genetic cross can come, and also the relation between malaria and sickle cell anaemia
Eutrophication - graph is very important
Small intestine and villi
moreover everything is very important...i have a file from cie which tells us about the relative weightages of topics in the paper...will try to post here if i find it
I need some help too, email me af80@live.com. Thanks :)
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