Qualification > Reference Material
economics paper 3 tomorrow!!!
Does it come out as a specific topic? or its random? i really dont know what to do to prepare for this one... jus study the usual? i've seen some Pastpapers.. they look very random like the questions... anyone got any advice on how to prepare for this paper?
i guess they r random topics...havent noticed any trend!!!
i cant help for this one either ...because m doing the same...reading the markschemes and the book!!
the only thing tht is required is applying the knowledge well...so b4 every question tht we r attempting its necessary to think of points according to the marks allocated!!broadening the perspective is the key for this paper!!
anyways gud luck for the it :)....!!!
good advice!!
ur on or copied?? :P :P(joke)
By the way i suggest just read book and also solve the past paers till 2005!!
this will help you!!
originality is my supreme trait ;)!!!
(By the way this is completely irrelevant to this thread but shrey i wld like to earn full-fledged credit for initiating the EADA!!and not be regarded as "few other"!!!its not very difficult to remember my username!! >:(!!!!)
i apologize!!!
i am sorry!!
but u just gave an idea adi, adi, and i invented it!!!(its not that i dont want you in the group there were many applications so i forgot i hurry whome to include and whome notot)
i guess u understand!!
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