Qualification > Queries
grade thresholds
--- Quote from: A@di on October 31, 2009, 05:53:57 am ---u will get it from the school...wen the results are out...u can log in and check ur results..
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as in after the exam...
--- Quote from: @d!_†oX!© on October 31, 2009, 05:50:47 am ---hey what site are u talking about????
we never got any id's man!!!
--- End quote ---
it's a site where you can log in if you've been given an id and password specific to your candidate number by your centre
dw you can always ask your centre to give your results to you personally XD the results on the net are only for reference anyway- you can't use it as a document
hey can any1 please attach the grade threshold cuz for some reason its not opening on my comp ???
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