Qualification > Queries
grade thresholds
umm just wanted to ask whether the grade thresholds actually apply? I know it sounds weird, but for example if the grade threshold for a subject was 38 out of 80 for an A, would you actually get an A if you get 40? It sounds awfully ridiculous.. (50%?)
haha!!! :D :D
dude it may sound weird but that's the difference in IGCSE
u get a A even if u get 48 or 38 out of 80 if acc. to the gt A is above 38
but for an A* u will HAVE to get above 90 percentile.!! :o :o
oh rite cos I though A* was just halfway between 100% and grade for A lol
so wot exaactly does 90th percentile suggest?
that you're cool.
When will the grade thresholds for oct/nov 2009 be out?
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