Qualification > Sciences
Chemistry Practical
If we are given this test in the qualitative analysis for salts :
" Place the funnel in a test-tube.
Pour about 3 cm3 of dilute nitric
acid onto the residue contained
in the funnel. Add about 2 cm3 of
potassium iodide to the solution
collected in the tube. "
How does it show that the salt is lead carbonate???
even the mark scheme only says : " fizz / bubbles / effervescence "
Ghost Of Highbury:
can u plz tyoe in the year of the Qp..and all other details..
its from May/June 2007 [ http://www.freeexampapers.us/IGCSE/Chemistry/CIE/2007%20Jun/0620_s07_qp_5.pdf ] page no. 4
and By the way one more thing
in the question paper the c) part is for 2 marks and d) part is also 2 marks
bt the mark scheme says c) part is 1 mark and d) part is 3 marks...
so can that happen in any question with us..as in can they change the marks at any point of time even after our papers are over....???
and is the test for lead in our syllabus???i have only seen it in this particular paper...its not even there in th data sheet provided to us "Notes for qualitative analysis"
plss urgent help required guys!!!!!!!
Ghost Of Highbury:
--- Quote from: @d!_†oX!© on October 26, 2009, 04:51:09 am ---If we are given this test in the qualitative analysis for salts :
" Place the funnel in a test-tube.
Pour about 3 cm3 of dilute nitric
acid onto the residue contained
in the funnel. Add about 2 cm3 of
potassium iodide to the solution
collected in the tube. "
How does it show that the salt is lead carbonate???
even the mark scheme only says : " fizz / bubbles / effervescence "
--- End quote ---
idoide salt = yellow ppt.
why iodide????
there is no yellow ppt...
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