Qualification > Miscellaneous


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Hehe..... ;D ;D 8).....dude i dont hv to think...y r u asking me 2 think wt d subject line is?????
By the way if u dnt remember its risky to be tokin abt it here or fr dt matter anywhere else....
d only help i cn give u is dt u cn have d supporting files...
bt seriously dere is no use...
i hd d supp files 2 weeks b4 d exam bt it doesnt really hlp.....
dnt panic at all dude.....d paper's vey simiilar to june 2009...nd u dnt need to pay much attentionto it...seriously......

u had the supporting files of the oct/nov 2009 exam.......b4 the actual exam!!!!!!!???????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Ghost Of Highbury:

--- Quote from: adi_toxic on October 12, 2009, 10:44:22 am ---Guys dts gr8..... :).....bt isnt dt kinda tough because after studyin so many subjects u wudnt get tym for other things rite????
I really liked add maths.....igcse maths is soo easy......By the way hws computer studies and int maths??????
guys y do u take so many subjects????wts d need????
and ya @moon ....dude dont be afraid.....i meeant as in u wudnt take tym to answer d questions once u understand d questions...bt u my take some time to get d  question rite...as in wat all it exactly needs.....just try to read d questions calmly nd all wud go reely well....

--- End quote ---

to start wid...add. maths is definitely more difficult than maths.... to be honest..v had a tough time with additional maths at the very start...with a ssir who used to teach rocket science to us....but later....v worked a lot and with a nwe ma'am's guidance...and are now very comfortable with additional maths...i've just taken 1 more subject than you ...thats it...

ask sameer...he has taken quite a lot of subjects but the good thing is that 2 of them are in the 2010 m/j session...int. maths and A&D...
international maths is very easy....check out the papers...i'm sure it will be easy for any student good in maths to hammer down int. maths...as sameer..


--- Quote from: thepokerpro on October 12, 2009, 11:49:49 am ---u had the supporting files of the oct/nov 2009 exam.......b4 the actual exam!!!!!!!???????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

--- End quote ---
Yaa....dude just apply ur mind and ur sorted.,...its very easy....

lol........thanks ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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