well we shud first know what terrorism really is and what is fueding it in our world. To me, terrorism is what the US army is doing in Iraq and afghanistan, u see, terrorists are created by injustice, u see the province of baluchistan in Pakistan which is or was the main source of natural gas for the country, and what do our politicians do, they take the gas, export it, pocket the money and give nothing to the ppl who actually allowed them to take the gas. Thus u get a feeling of injustice and u say this is wrong and then u try to oppose all of this, but unfortunately, there r certain ppl who r abusing this sense and feeling of injustice. They r trying to make ppl feel like the only way to get even is to kill ppl and do suicide bombings etc. These are the real terrorists, the ppl doing these acts are just toys in these ill minded freaks hands. These are the ppl that the world shud try and get, not bomb ppl from the stratosphere and expect that all the ppl down are terrorists cuz u know a bomb doesnt know who is a terrorist and who is not, it's gonna kill them anyway. thus u shud be doing wat i'm proud to say the pakistan army is doing at the moment, hands on fighting i.e head to head. Those r real soldiers guys, get shot on their chests and no their back, who r not afraid of facing death even as it stares them in the face, that is how u tackle terrorists and not just siiting in jets killing ppl left, right and center and not know who or what those ppl do. And as for reducing terrorism, well, all i can say is that the main causes be identified and rectified and try to do as less damage as u can. MAybe even negotiate, but i dont think the terror in this world can or will be solved by negotiating.........
Whew...., wow, i guess i let emotions reun too high,
sorry but this is wat i think