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--- Quote from: Fastal on May 08, 2010, 05:12:36 pm ---transistor with potential divider please!!!

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there are three type u may use a transistor with a potential divider .. its impossible for me to explain u lik this without a diagram .. i dont seem to hav any in softcopy ..

Light Operated Switch Circuit
Time Operated Switch Circuit
Temperature Operated Switch Circuit

each one uses a different arrangements and semiconducting materials/devices ..  sorry couldnt help more .. :(

Does a burglar alarm use a normally open reed switch or normally closed?

Ghost Of Highbury:

--- Quote from: Dibss on May 09, 2010, 06:55:24 pm ---Does a burglar alarm use a normally open reed switch or normally closed?

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Normally closed

How do you connect a voltmeter to measure the p.d across two lamps in PARALLEL (one voltmeter to measure across the two lamps)?
How can you connect only ONE voltmeter for TWO lamps?

The Golden Girl =D:

--- Quote from: SEL123 on May 10, 2010, 06:15:30 am ---How do you connect a voltmeter to measure the p.d across two lamps in PARALLEL (one voltmeter to measure across the two lamps)?
How can you connect only ONE voltmeter for TWO lamps?

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a rule for parallel circuits that u should kno is that the p.d is not shared like the series circuit and that;s y u can u se only one voltmeter


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