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Never heard of an optic pin


--- Quote from: astarmathsandphysics on April 25, 2010, 09:33:59 pm ---Never heard of an optic pin

--- End quote ---

i dont know if there is another name for it... we had an exam last month and there was a  question about the optic pin....

my friend told me that it is used to make the image of a mirror straight and accurate...

i hope u understand me....

Ghost Of Highbury:
The pins used for light experiments? 2 to 3 of them arranged on either side of the prism/glass block and later used to draw rays. TO my knowledge.

Two are used a object. A prism is placed in front of them. The image of the two pins are spotted from the other side and two more pins are arranged in a straight line as seen.


--- Quote from: A@di on April 29, 2010, 08:09:38 pm ---The pins used for light experiments? 2 to 3 of them arranged on either side of the prism/glass block and later used to draw rays. TO my knowledge.

Two are used a object. A prism is placed in front of them. The image of the two pins are spotted from the other side and two more pins are arranged in a straight line as seen.

--- End quote ---

thanks!!!at last i understand  ;D

Ghost Of Highbury:
No problemo.


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