Qualification > Reference Material
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Ghost Of Highbury:
--- Quote from: @d!_†oX!© on November 01, 2009, 04:53:02 am ---but aadi if it says a voltmeter across 3 lamps then it should be attached parrallel to the 3 lamps together...not just 1.....i suppose!!??
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read what i had ritten...
i know that it can be across all three lamps...but..the question is weird..
@priyu - which pastpaper/year is this q from?
Ghost Of Highbury:
--- Quote from: priyu22 on November 01, 2009, 04:54:24 am ---somebody told me it was like this..
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if the question means that it has to be across all of them...then it shud be like this..and the series one...i'll edit it..
if the graph is like this, and quest start the temperature scale at 40o which is d answer?? The one circled in blue or red?
srry accidentle added it twice...
i think red!!
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