Qualification > Sciences
chemistry doubt!
Ghost Of Highbury:
okk..a doubt in reduction and oxidation
1) C4H8 + 6O2 --> 4CO2 + 4H2O
is this reduction, oxidation or reduction and why?
i strongly think that it is oxidation as oxygen is added...however, the oxidation state of "oxygen" decreases from -4 to -6
so its redox...
2.) 2KNO3=2KNO2+O2
this equation is so messed up for oxidation states
there are three elements in 1 compund ...how do u determine the oxidation states for them
plzz help!! is it oxidation reduction or redox..(plz explain the reason too!
thanks a lot!!
It is oxidation cos oxygen goes from the pure state to a compound.
The 2nd is reduction cos oxygen returns to the pure state.
Ghost Of Highbury:
but...do v take the oxidation stte of oxygen in both the reactions...
if so...the oxidation state decreases and thus the 1st one becomes redox right?
also, can u explain the second reaction with the oxidation states...
thanks !
Ghost Of Highbury:
nid404 plz answer
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