Qualification > Reference Material

Text book to buy for CIE IGCSE ?

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--- Quote from: jackpok on August 20, 2009, 03:33:31 pm ---Hi Students;

My wife is going to take her CIE IGCSE exam ( private candidate ), she is 32 years old. Taking this examination is part of her wish list after she has recovered from depression problem. I wish to buy some text book for her but there are too many books on the web site, I am confused. I  am really want to help her to achieve her dream. Can anyone advise me ? Thanks you very much.

English ( Fist Language )
Religious Study
Environment Management

--- End quote ---

This is the most noble thing I've heard this whole summer, what your doing is a great thing to your wife and I admire your determination to fulfil your wife's wishes. :)

Now for the text books, I cant reccomend anything new, I've only taken Mathematics from your list and the book I used (IGCSE Mathematics by Ric Pimentel and Terry Wall) was already reccomended to you.

Wishing you the best of luck with helping your wife sir.  ;)


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