Author Topic: COURSEWORK...4 ICT.......EVALUATION  (Read 2580 times)

Offline MR.BooMBastiC

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« on: July 28, 2009, 05:43:06 pm »
1. Successfully achieved goals:

2. The Admin is now able to add, amend and delete the staff & service data.

3. The staff is able to add, amend and delete the member data.

4. The staff is able to search for service and member details without any difficulties.

5. The staff is able to print out a list of services available according to the member‘s requirements.

6. The system is able to validate the data and provide the backing up of the data.

7. To provide a secure, reliable and easy to learn and easy to use the solutions for the identified problems.

8. Accurate information is available.

9. All records are kept in such a way that amendment and searching is easy and fast.

10. System is used to able to store large amounts of information and details.

11. Excessive number of staffs is reduced which reduces the wage cost.

12. There is reduced paper-work


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« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2009, 05:45:21 pm »
is this computing or ICT ?