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Will someone modify that post please. preferably Ari himself.


--- Quote from: ~Xena~ on June 22, 2010, 01:25:17 pm ---Will someone modify that post please. preferably Ari himself.

--- End quote ---

I want to see astars reaction.

He might tell Ari to put his head up his bum like he told Arsenal too.

LOL. =/

Anglo-saxon Arrogant punk _!_


--- Quote from: Arsenal<3 on June 22, 2010, 01:30:06 pm ---Anglo-saxons Arrogant punks _!_

--- End quote ---

whatt ?

The Golden Girl =D:
u guys have beed firends since forever THERE IS NO NEED TO FIGHT !!!

let this day pass by peacefully with no conflicts cuz y'all LOVE each other  :)


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