Student Forum > Important Announcements

We're Tweeting on Twitter and Liking Facebook !

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$tyli$h Executive:
I highly appreciate the model of FB. It allows you to express yourself. But I personally think the Pakistani government is not right in outrightly banning FB. The cartoons about Muhammad (PBUH) were probably devised by some racist group, not by facebook itself. FB is just a platform to socialize and express your views, nothing more. And it is normal that different people will have different views about something. Why punish the whole website just for a few unscrupulous people who creates such racist groups...? Look at the good side! Friends and colleagues are able to socialize through it from great distances. Business is so easier.

And yes, there is a function to report such hate groups, but its practically impossible for FB employees to remove ALL hate groups. Even "hete groups" are a way to express yourself - a means of freedom of speech. If hate groups are removed, more will be created. And more and more. Practically impossible, and will undermine the ultimate purpose of facebook itself.

Social networking mainly focuses upon building online communities for people that share common interests and activities. Most social networking sites are internet based and present a lot of ways for users to interact, such as through, chartrooms, e-mails and instant messaging.

Social Networking has given birth to newer ways to communicate and share information across the web and these sites are being used habitually by millions of people globally.
What does a Social Network mean for a business?

•   You can have a fully customized, secure, branded social site under your complete control.

•   You can test and tweak and promote anything you want, anyway you want.

•   You will have a built-in, targeted marketplace already exposed to your branding, providing valuable feedback through numerous social interactions including blog post comments, polls and forums.

•   Your community members will have their own channels within the social network to promote and address questions, creativity, and function.

•   Your network can cross countries and continents organically, generating the most relevant topics and content moment by moment, populating the search engines with your products and services in the most viral platform available, a social network.

I DONT SEE ANY thing written in the definition that allows for hatred against minorities on social networking sites.I also one day opened a fan page of ADOLF HITLER and i was banned within hours .How's that possible?

$tyli$h Executive:
Wait, I think we should have a debate over it! Agree?


--- Quote from: $tyli$h Executive on June 19, 2010, 03:53:06 pm ---Wait, I think we should have a debate over it! Agree?

--- End quote ---

Sure Sir

$tyli$h Executive:
I've already created a topic. Check it.


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